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Islam Perspective on Social Problems

Islam is one of the few religions in the world. Islam brought by our prophet Muhammad SAW. According to Lari (2017) Islam is a combination of harmony and perfection with with an unmatched depth and breadth of scope that comprises all aspects of spirit and life. It knows all the roads that lead to blessing and happiness. It has the cure for human ills, individual and social, and makes them as plain as the wit of man can devise or comprehend. It sets out to develop all sides of each person : and therefore perforce includes every reality which impacts human existence. Islam is also the solution to all the social problems around the worl.
For example, Islam perspective to Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Islam is a faith or belief that draws reason and conscience. Because alcohol is harmful to human and reduces intelligence, the sense of person, logical reasoning, and spiritual sensitivity, then alcohol is forbidden to consume by any Muslim. This is kinds of something tragic nowday, because alcohol has been consumed by millions of people in the world. The thing that distinguishes human beings from animals is their intellect, but when people consume alcohol they will lose their minds and act sporadically, so at that moment, there is no difference between humans and animals.
Islam emerges in a society where alcohol is consumed by humans. Islam not only prohibits alcohol because of dirty behavior but can also kill because of the violence and misery it inflicts. The prohibition of alcoholic drinks is discussed in the Qur'an surah al-Maidah: 90
"Every intoxicating drink is khamer and every intoxicant is haraam: whosoever is addicted to consume it and dies then does not repent then they will not drink it in the afterlife.
Alcohol is a very banned drink in Islam and from the companions of the Prophet SAW said: whoever marries his daughter with a liquor addict actually induces her to adultery because if someone already drunk and utter divorce words cause his wife to be haraam, barked while they are not aware of it.
In accordance with alcohol, drugs also forbidden for any muslim in the world. Because drug abuse is a way of using drugs only for personal or group enjoyment only. Drug consumed by people because this drug  can cause a feeling of pleasure which usually can opiate.
The effect of this drug can be seen from how likely this drug will become an addict. The stronger the drug, the more likely it is to become addicted. Physical dependence is manifested by a compulsive looking habit that people use repeatedly for personal satisfaction. Cigarettes are one such example. Consuming cigarettes in long halaka can cause damage to vital organs, this is what causes cigarettes can damage the human self.
The solution is that people of all religions must revitalize their religious values and bring these values into their lives. The fear of God can prevent any of the abovementioned problems. On the demand side, people are victim of the above abuses drug, tobacco, and substance abuse whereas on the supply side, impoverished people, due to the lack of resources, have started to produce the demanded narcotics and other substances. If you eliminate the problem on both sides, then the police powers and billions of dollars spent on surveillance and policing can be spent elsewhere.
The other example is Islam persepctive to Poverity and social class. According to Islam, Poverty is "fakr, fakir and fukara (plural)" is mentioned in the Qur'an twelve times. When these verses are examined, it appears that two people speak of "spiritual poverty." These verses compare the inability of humans to defend themselves and their absolute need to Allah.
There are many hadiths relating to poverty and the poor in Zuhd (ignorance of the life of the world). In these hadiths the poor mainly refer to "material poverty" as it is in the Qur'an. However, it is interesting to note that this hadith speaks of poverty both in terms of praise and hatred. When we speak of Zuhd we automatically remember the tasawwufs practicing Islam in Zuhdm they see that fakr or poverty has a special meaning and place.
However, the Sufis pay attention to the material meaning of poverty in the early years also accepted the act of surrendering property and goods as a basic principle. Since the ninth century, it appears that the concept of Sufi poverty has gained philosophical and spiritual significance. Fakr means no need anything or anyone except Allah. With this meaning, the poor are not people who can not provide material goods and daily food, but people who always keep awareness need God only.
Thus, we can understand that the poor in Islam are those who are far from God and those who can not give their materialistic need are called "Maskeen". Ali Bin Abi Taleb (radia Allah anho) says "if poverty is the one I will kill him", poverty causes disability, helplessness, and dependence on others. According to Prophet Mohammed Allah Allah salam, "poverty can make people barely believe" the absence of these needs can lead to conflict with the needs of dignity as mentioned above.
Poverity also affects the social class, where there is the difference between the rich and the poor. But in Islam, anyone who thinks that other nations have raised up the under-privileged classes in society in a way in the least like that which Islam has successfully followed in its fight against tyranny and oppression misses the point and shows that he has not the faintest perception of the inner truth of Islam, and its humane social justice. No other system has hitherto been able to bring such an ideology so effectively into practice.
Even the Communists, who call themselves enemies of religion, recognize the miraculous emergence brought about by strong and fundamental Islamic doctrines. such as the rise of Islam in the early 7th century AD is the turning point of history. change the progress of society. His triumphal advancement, in the course of less than a century, from Arab-Arab lands to the Loire in the West and as Sind and Amu Darya in the East, formed a magnificent page.
Jezirat-ul-Arab provides a center for the spread of Judaism's religious ideology and Christianity. But the Arabs and the Bedouin are still idols. Mecca was a commercial center run by moneymakers, changing the nomad tribe's way of life into feudalism: and this was where the first Arab nationalism began to be felt and performed. The people are money mills and small peasants who have slaves.
To this world, Islam came as a revelation and as a democratic revolution against a money-lending oligarchy, which drove the first Muslims out of Mecca. Islam has the privilege of all moralistic religions, yet it survives firmly upon the material world we live in.
It distances ridicule and focuses on human equality irrespective of race and ethnicity, - equal rights of women to men, manumission of slaves, care for the poor; and provides so simple a set of principles that are distinguished from all other religions. It is these qualities that enable it to revive inspirational inspirations of life. This brought great pressure to master the mind of a bloodthirsty arrogant ruling class: offering the villagers and the inhabitants of the impoverished city a salvation road in this world, driving out the emperors of Roman and Persian forces and setting up their own rules of the Himalayas into the Pyrenees.
The other social problems are Racism. The "Unity" is the basis of Islamic theology: and therefore "Unity" is the ground of its philosophy of society. All humanity is one; a great unit. Its individuals are members of one society incorporate, which is so comprehensive that it includes all differences within its oneness. The many find within the one that brotherhood, affection, friendliness and human blood-relationship which is of the essence.
Hence distinctions do not become differences -- not color, nor culture, nor class, nor custom, nor conversational idiom. Mutual respect as fellow-humans in pursuit of the common good is the rule throughout the world-wide society of Islam, without superiority or inferiority, since all mankind were created in one human soul to start with, from whom man and woman, black and white, poor and rich, civilized and savage, all evolve, sharing one common humanity. Truly "God made of one flesh all the nations upon earth if haply they may feel after Him and find Him."

So it is written (Qur'an: Sura IV, Nisa'a "The Women" 1st verse): "Reverence God Who created you all from one person", leaving no room for nationalistic divisions. Differences in skin and tongue are merely tokens of the Creator's power. They call on men to study the Holy Will and Might of Him Who from one elemental root created so many variations of color, countenance and conversation”. That is why racism is forbidden beacuse in Allah we are all same.


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